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Experience the intense journey of caregiver and comedian J Smiles. Listen and laugh along as her use of levity reveals the stress and rewards of caregiving interwoven with her own personal journey.


Here's my story

Almost 10 years ago, I was catapulted into caregiving overnight when the shock of my dad’s death pushed my mom into Alzheimer’s in the blink of an eye. I was a single, childless, mechanical engineering, product designing, lawyer living a meticulously crafted international existence until… I wasn’t. My lifestyle shift was immediate. Starting from scratch, I painstakingly carved out useful knowledge and created a beneficial care plan for mom.


Listen along with me and sometimes special guests as we take you on the wild and crazy adventures of caregiving with Alzheimer’s disease. Buckle up for tips, tricks, trends and TRUTH.  Alzheimer’s is heavy, we don’t have to be. All caregivers are welcome to snuggle up and Parent Up!

Alzheimer's Disease

Did you know that Alzheimer’s is the most expensive disease in America, costing more than cancer and heart disease? Yet it’s research dollars pale in comparison to cancer. Give to JSmiles’ #endalz fundraising campaign.

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